The Best Techs Have the Best Certifications

Why Certs Matter

 At Clever Ducks, we use certification to create a culture of learning and expertise. At the beginning of every “ducks” tenure, they get the opportunity to choose a training path and pursue career and technical development. This means that everyone is continuing to evolve with the IT industry, which means better understanding and service to clients across multiple industries.

Many of our certifications come from CompTIA (The Computing Technology Industry Association) who is the leading provider of vendor-neutral IT certifications in the world.

Client Success

Certifications and encouraging our people to continue their education is one way that we ensure our clients receive the best service possible from a team that is knowledgeable and equipped in the ever changing IT landscape.

Peter Kardel – CEO

At Clever Ducks, we offer resources for employees to continually grow as a professional and an individual. From reading material, to study groups, to taking certification exams; we make sure the opportunity to learn is always present and appealing.

Pursuing More

Clever Ducks has provided me the opportunity to grow in my career through certifications. Not only do they provide me with increased confidence, I know I can better serve clients as my knowledge increases. 

Ben Thompson – Service Manager


How We Meet Your IT Needs

Backup & Disaster Recovery

Backed up onsite and in the cloud for fast, simple recovery.  Whether it is a lost file or a brush with disaster, you'll be going again fast.

Built Right

Design matters. We plan with all the key players to ensure technology is done right.  No surprises. No finger pointing.

Your Cloud

Cloud services can be the right choice. We'll help you know how and when to leverage this fast evolving technology.

IT Planning & Budgeting

Skip the drama and surprises.  We'll develop and execute a 3-Year IT plan for your business.

IT Security

Don't worry about it.  Get it done.  We're CompTIA TrustMark Certified.  Security is part of our DNA.

Your Dedicated Tech

You won't have to explain things to some random Joe who shows up.  Your guy knows you, your team, your technology.